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Global Major Suppliers’ Automotive Parts Business Sales Ranking in FY2022
We have independently compiled the global major suppliers’ automotive parts business sales and profits/losses for FY2022 in terms of US dollars. While overall sales tended to increase, operating profit/loss tended to vary between suppliers, as inflationary increases in material, logistics, energy and other costs put pressure on some companies. The ranking results also show the impact of the depreciation trend of various currencies against the dollar.
In terms of sales, Bosch in first place increased by 9.2% to USD 53.6 billion, Denso in second place increased by 6.6% to USD 48.2 billion, ZF in third place increased by 8.3% to USD 42.9 billion and Hyundai Mobis in fourth place increased by 13.7% to USD 39.8 billion, with the first four places unchanged from the previous year. New Energy Technology (CATL, ranked 19th in the previous year) doubled its sales year-on-year for the second year in a row, with a 2.4-fold increase to USD 34.2 billion. 2022 sales were characterised by the prominence of automotive battery-related businesses among suppliers that increased their sales by more than 20% year-on-year.
In addition to trends related to electric vehicles, which can be described as a next-generation industry, the report analyses the automobile and parts industries, mainly in Europe and the US, and the business trends/strategies of manufacturers, ranging from internal combustion engine vehicles, which form the core of the conventional automobile industry. In addition to vehicle sales and production in some 90 countries and monthly sales figures for electric vehicles in 43 countries, this special report includes special features dedicated to electric vehicles and a ranking of global component supplier sales.