Business strategy reports, business matching and M&A in Japan


Improving the quality of in-vehicle software with natural language processing AI

AI is permeating the development of automobiles and automotive components.

Methods to improve the quality of in-vehicle software using natural language processing AI have emerged, and visualization of development status using the large amount of information lying dormant at development sites is now taking place.

In software development, quality problems can occur suddenly and without warning. Many manufacturers are troubled by the fact that project managers and project team members are overwhelmed by the situation, and software quality assurance departments are unable to conduct quality analysis and make improvement proposals because they spend too much time collecting information on the software development site. This is a problem that many manufacturers must be suffering from.

NEC Corporation in Japan has started a proposal to solve this problem by using AI to visualize the development and quality status using data such as deliverables created daily at the development site, and to consider how to improve the quality of products. An overview of development and quality improvement using natural language processing AI and the large amount of information lying dormant at development sites, as well as examples of support at NEC, are now being generated. This is a must-see for anyone involved in software development at automotive and automotive parts manufacturers.