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Percentage of inverters using SiC power semiconductors by 2030
The global automotive industry has been increasingly adopting silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors in BEV inverters in recent years, with SiC power semiconductors expected to account for around 50% of all BEV inverters by 2030. This is thought to be due to the high price of drive batteries, which are a core component of electric vehicles, as well as the growing need of complete vehicle manufacturers to reduce battery usage and extend cruising range, in other words, to improve efficiency in EV mode. In addition, the number of BEV models with 800 V systems has been increasing in recent years in order to increase the charging speed of BEVs, and the growing demand for SiC power semiconductors, which offer excellent voltage and heat resistance performance as well as reduced losses at high switching speeds, is also driving the future growth of SiC inverters.
Major complete vehicle manufacturers such as VW, GM, Hyundai Gr. and Tesla are already competing in earnest to secure stable procurement of SiC power semiconductors, with some manufacturers investing in major power semiconductor suppliers such as Wolfspeed, Bosch, Infineon and ROHM in a bid to secure a preferred position in procurement. Some manufacturers are also clearly trying to secure a preferred position in procurement by investing in major power semiconductor suppliers such as Wolfspeed, Bosch, Infineon and Rohm. In the future, the use of SiC inverters is expected to increase not only in 800 V high-voltage BEVs, but also in D-segment sedans/SUVs and above, with the aim of improving efficiency, etc.
Electric vehicle component supply chain and competitive landscape Series 2 Inverters, the same as Series 1 ‘Drive motors’ for key components such as inverters, power modules, smoothing capacitors, reactors, DC-DC converters and heat sinks for electric vehicles (xEVs) worldwide, The relevant component industry, including the business development and competitive situation of Tier 1 and Tier 2/3 suppliers, will be investigated and analysed. In addition, an internal and external literature survey on the xEV inverter industry and related component industries and direct interviews with industry players will be conducted to report on the challenges and future direction of the industry. This will enable automobile manufacturers and automotive parts and materials manufacturers to obtain basic information essential for the formulation of electrification business strategies, as well as industry information related to demand forecasts and decision-making materials.