New-Japan Business Consulting
Business strategy reports, business matching and M&A in Japan


Possible economic loss of 12 trillion yen! How do we get over the 2025 cliff?

Japanese companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are lagging behind in promoting DX compared to their counterparts in other countries.

There are fears that the “2025 cliff” could become a reality if DX is not accelerated and a certain level of success is not achieved by 2025, resulting in an economic loss of 12 trillion yen for the nation as a whole. There is a limit to how much each company can do to avoid the 2025 cliff by itself, including the rapidly declining birthrate and aging population, and the accompanying difficulty in securing IT human resources.

In addition to resolving the issue of securing human resources while involving society as a whole, there is another issue that must be overcome. DX will lead to an explosive increase in the amount of data handled by companies, and since this data includes personal and confidential information that must be protected, robust security measures will be required. What measures and initiatives are effective in addressing these issues?

This report will summarize the results of a global survey on DX and security, as well as recommended solutions to accelerate DX and minimize security risks. If you are in charge of further accelerating your DX efforts while minimizing security risks, please contact us.